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These days we are facing the problems like pollution, power cut problem, etc. In order to overcome these problems, we have thought about the device, which can be performing its functions without causing any of these problems. So we have thought of doing the project on cutting grass, which uses renewable sources of energy for its operation like solar energy. This project aims at developing a portable solar-operated grass cutting device, as there is a power shortage. So we have decided to make solar energy operated device. The solar panel is connected to the battery. Then by connecting the inverter to the battery DC current is converted to AC current. This will run the AC motor. This motor is connected to the blade shaft with the help of a belt drive. This will rotate the blade at high speed, cut the grass. This device will help in the building of the eco-friendly system. Current technology commonly used for cutting the grass is by the manually handled device. This paper used novel technology. So in this paper, we are trying to make a daily purpose robot that is able to cut the grasses in the Lawn. The system will have some automation work for guidance and other obstacle detection and the power source that is a battery and a solar panel will be attached on the top of the robot because this reduces the power problem. And ultrasonic sensor is used in this project because the obstacles encountered during the robot cutting are done by ultrasonic sensor is detect
Solar grass cutter with obstacle avoidanceis the project of last year’s engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for BE last year mechanical students is use. This project is Bluetooth based project. This project is solar based project.
Solar grass cutter with obstacle avoidanceis the project of a good Price for the automation projects, robotics based project .it is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year and diploma is project for arduino based project idea for the mechanical projects is a Bluetooth based project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for mechanical students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Solar grass cutter with obstacle avoidanceis an easy project and idea for the mechanical , mechatronics and robotics based degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done.
- The system uses 12V batteries to power the vehicle movement motors as well as the grass cutter motor.
- We also use a solar panel to charge the battery so that there is no need of charging it externally.
- hence eliminate hazardous gas and reduce the manpower. Project uses Arduino controlling various operation of grass cutter. also the grass cutter has ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection

- Arduino
- Bluetooth module
- LCD Display
- Motor driver IC
- DC motor
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Diodes
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- LEDs
- Relay
- Solar panel
- 12 volt battery
- Eagle
- Arduino IDE
- Proteus
Shailesh –
I ordered this project for my final year project demo. When I was going for testing this project was worked very nicely.thank you Electrosal for helping me
manav patil –
Thanks to Electrosal hi-tech. They helped me a lot in my project work. Also they are providing good project kit, documents which will help us a lot in understanding the project work in a better way. Now I am able to speak confidently about my project work in my final presentation and also in interviews.
Shivaji Mail –
We want Bluetooth and RF controller based home automation. ELECTROSAL given this project in time and with proper output. Thanks ELECTROSAL team for our project work