Speed control of stepper motor is the most vital and important part in any industrial organization. This project work focuses on speed control of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller. The speed of stepper motor has been controlled by the delay between consecutive pulses of stepper motor phases provided by microcontroller. Actually speed is inversely proportional to delay between pulses of consecutive phases of stepper motor has been controlled by the number of revolutions. In this project we use two switches for decrease and increase the speed of stepper motor. Furthermore, variable resistor connected to pin no. 6 of ADC has been varied in clockwise direction due to which speed increases and when varied in anticlockwise direction speed decreases. The controller program has been written in assembly language and Kiel compiler has been used to convert this control program into executable file or in a HEX code. This hex code has been burnt into microcontroller by Flash Magic software.
Note- add
Speed control of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller is the project of last year’s engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year’s Electronics, electrical and Tele. Communication department students. This project is a Electronics project. This project is electronics and Tele. Communication department students. This project is mini project.
Speed control of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller is the project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. It is a project for controller based project. This project is microcontroller based project .
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for Electronics ,electrical and electronics and Tele. Communication students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Speed control of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller is an easy project and idea for the electronics ,electrical and Tele . Communication base students and 100% output is done.
- This project is Design to control the speed of stepper motor
- Motor driver is interfaced to microcontroller
- It takes signal from switches .
- Signal comes from switch the speed of stepper motor will increases or decreases

- 8051 Microcontroller
- L293D IC
- Stepper motor
- Transformer
- Diodes
- Voltage Regulator
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- switches
- Keil uVision4
- Eagle
komal varale –
I ordered this project for my final year project demo. When I was going for testing this project was worked very nicely. Thank you Electrosal for helping me.
Sakshi Solapur –
Electrosal Hi Tech pvt Ltd is one of the project centre. They provide practical based knowledge of project. Electrosal team are very good and experienced. Thanks electrosal.
Tushar Khanse (Gargoti ) –
i ordered ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit and it works like magic, I have learned so much from this kit, these guys are too good at electronics.
Dixit v. patel (gujarat ) –
This is best Electrical project. I ordered this project on website of electrical.
Ranjeet Kamte –