rol the BLDC motor automatically through.
SoNowadays every industry has become automated industry. In this Project, the objective is to cont control of the machineries which involving this motor can be done accurately, thus making the industrial automation production rate increased.
In the prevailing case Brushless Direct Current motor are extensively used in some of the industries because of its low cost, noise less operation, high speed torque characteristics, Speed controlling is very essential.
Hence BLDC motor is preferred to control the speed. The manipulate of BLDC motor could be very essential by way of the use of the Arduino board interfaced with the Electronic Speed Controller, Motor speed can be controlled .
The IR sensor detect the BLDC speed and Voltage are monitored on the LCD display. Commutation of a BLDC motor is managed by way of electronic speed controller and Arduino board is loaded with program written in embedded C language.
BLDC motor speed control with RPM count is the project of a good Price for the electrical engineering project. Electronics engineering project it is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year and diploma is project for arduino based project idea for the electrical projects is a core electronics project electronics based projects. This project is the sensor based project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students ‘and core electronics students and electronics final year for the golden opportunity.
BLDC motor speed control with RPM count is an easy project and idea for the electrical core electronics, electronics degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done.
- BLDC motor specifically used for high speed applications and needs sophisticated speed control.
- Conventional controls techniques require more physical involvement for assisting BLDC motor to operate with precise speed value.
- The IR sensor detect the BLDC speed and Voltage are monitored on the LCD display.

- Arduino Uno
- Transformer
- Rectifier
- Regulator
- LCD display
- IR sensor
- BLDC motor
- Resistor
- Capacitor
- Diode
- Led
- Keypad matrix
- Eagle
- Protious
- Arduino id
Yash Shirole –
Great place.
The place where you can change your ideas in real working prototypes & machines.
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Rohidas Patil –
Electrosal Hi Tech pvt Ltd is one of the project centre. They provide practical based knowledge of project. Electrosal team are very good and experienced. Thanks electrosal.
Danish (Denmark) –
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Nice customer support .thank for online video call support. thank you Electrosal.
Alagkula mark –
I needed a electrical project for final year so I went for this project, the project was well tested also it is in plug and play condition. And it’s impressive as it gives almost accurate results.
Retesha Hawaldar –
Well i got the ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project and i was surprised to see it delivered in such a good condition. I was afraid that sending a delicate circuit in through international shipping may damage it, but their packaging is extremely good.
Dikashnt Khadare –
packing for the extra components was not that good and I reported the issue to the Electrosal team. System worked without any issue though, hope they make sure the packing for the next orders will be better.
Raj Korvi –
The online explanation system for my software project kit was wonderful. I saw it 3 times and once again before my final presentation, gave me detailed knowledge of the opinion mining project I bought.
Smita Raymane –
Nice customer support .thank for online video call support. thank you Electrosal.
Coarlos Evans –
As a 3rd year diploma student, I was very pleased with this project. The package was delivered on time and in complete working condition.thank you Electrosal.