DC Motors are commonly used in electronics and electrical projects. It may be a line-following robot, a remote-controlled car, electronic shutters and doors, digital locks, drones, and choppers, etc; the DC motors are used in a variety of applications. This project is a simple demonstration of remote controlling a DC motor by switching it on or off and changing the direction of its rotation clockwise or anticlockwise .The RF transmitter is also interfaced to the controller through an RF encoder to encode the data received by the controller through the front end. Hence the encoded data will be transmitted by the transmitter over the wireless medium and will be received by the RF receiver which will be interfaced through an RF decoder. The RF decoder is used to decode the received data into a 4 bit digital data which will be fed to the controller. Hence, if the relay1 gets ON then then dc motor in clockwise direction. And if relay2 gets ON then the dc motor in anticlockwise direction.
Dc motor rotation in the clock wise and anti-clock wise direction using rfremoteis the project of last year’s engineering projects, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year’s core Electronics department students. This project is used for the Electrical department students. This project is used for the core electrical department students is use. This projects is RF transmitter receiver based projects
Dc motor rotation in the clock wise and anti-clock wise direction using rf remote The project of a good price for the engineering projects. It is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year project. It is a project for core electrical based project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree final year engineering projects as well as for core Electronics, Electrical and core electrical student’s final year for the golden opportunity.
Dc motor rotation in the clock wise and antilock wise direction using rf remote it is easy project and idea for the core electronics and electrical and core electrical base students and 100% output is done.
- DC Motors are commonly used in electronics and electrical projects.
- DC Motors are used in a variety of applications.

- Transformer
- Bridge rectifier
- Regulator
- Remote control
- RF Receiver
- Decoder
- Relay driver IC
- Relay
- DC Motor
- Proteus
- Eagle
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