The world is becoming unsafe for women in all aspects. The crimes against women are increasing at a higher rate. The employed women are feeling unsafe due to increasing crimes. This project proposes a quick responding mechanism that helps women during trouble. When someone is going to harass, she can press the button that is attached to the device, and the location information is sent as an SMS alert to few pre-defined emergency numbers in terms of latitude and longitude. The Arduino UNO used. It is interfaced with a push button, a GPS module, a GSM modem, and a buzzer circuit. If the switch is pressed, it activates the buzzer circuit to capture the attention of the people nearby for help. The program is developed in “C” language to demonstrate the system’s capability in providing real-time response. Thus the girl can be safe and she can feel protected.
woman security system
Note = woman security system is project of the last year engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for the BE last year engineering department students. This project is last year core electronics and core electrical engineering department students. This project is last year core electronics engineering department students. This project is last year core electrical engineering department students.
Woman security system is the project of good price for the engineering is vary comparative engineering project. It is a project are arduino based project. For the project is sensors based project. The project are android control based engineering project. This project is core electrical and core electronic based engineering projects.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for core electronics and core electrical students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Woman security system is an easy project and idea for the core electronics and core electrical degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done.
- Advanced project
- Quick responding mechanism
- Used for the safety of women
- Can be used for the safety of children
- Compact in size
- Wireless connectivity

- Arduino UNO
- Buzzer
- Switch
- Transformer ,
- Voltage regulated circuit ,
- Arduino IDE
- Proteus
- Eagle
Piyush Bhagat –
My friend told me of these kind of kits available at and I ordered the women’s security system . project the system is just amazing use of technology.their tutorials and online support provide sufficient practical knowledge.
samir kamble –
a project is very good