Everyday around the world a large percentage of people dies from road accident. An effective approach is made to solve the problem by using smart helmet. A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving safer than before. This is implemented using Arduino. The main objective of this paper is to build a safety system which is integrated with the smart helmet and intelligent bike to reduce the probability of two-wheeler accidents and drunk driver cases.
This smart helmet consists of vibrator sensor for detection of accidents. And alcohol sensor detects the alcoholic content in riders’ breath. For the detection of helmet, we are put one switch if that switch was pressed then it will detect as helmet detected. If the rider is not wearing the helmet or if there is any alcohol content found in rider’s breath, the bike remains off. So when the rider crashes and the helmet hits the ground, then it will sense by the vibrator sensor. And the SMS and GPS location was send to the rider’s family member. This SMS alert was send through the GSM module and the Arduino extract GPS data using the GPS module that is interfaced with Arduino. Through GPS module we can get the exact location of the rider. Smart helmet band provides help in case of accident by using GSM and GPS technology.
Note add –
Smart helmate alcohol detector and accident alter using GSM and GPS bike control for ridderthis project for the good price for the engineering projects. It is very comparative engineering project. It is very good project BE electronics project student is use. For the project is the GSM and GPS base project and core electronics base project. This project is electrical based project.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as electrical student is use. This project is power electronics based project and microcontroller based project.
Smart helmate alcohol detector and accident alter using GSM and GPS bike control for ridderthe best projects of the embedded base for the power electronics ,in final year student is use and idea for the and degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
- Everyday around the world a large percentage of people dies from road accident.
- An effective approach is made to solve the problem by using smart helmet.
- A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving safer than before.
- The main objective of this project is to build a safety system which is integrated with the smart helmet and intelligent bike to reduce the probability of two-wheeler accidents and drunk driver cases.
- Smart helmet provides help in case of accident by using GSM and GPS technology.
- Arduino UNO
- RF transmitter receiver
- Alcohol sensor
- transformer ,
- voltage regulated circuit,
- vibrator sensor ,
- motor ,
- motor driver IC
- Arduino: programming language
- Eagle
- proteus
this project is very good project
chougule rohit –
It was very good experience with electrosal they send me the kit within time ( cash on delivery) and they will help you till the end and the supporting staff is very helpful
Thank you.
prakash shinde –
The project having One ready made kit and another one PCB and their required components. So, i have got a great Experience. And also Practical Knowledge about this project.