This project is designed for the visually impaired persons as they find themselves challenging to go out independently. This stick will help blind person by providing more convenient means of life. This project will have an ultrasonic sensor to sense the distance from any obstacle, soil moisture sensor to sense any slippery land or any water body, fire sensor to sense the fire, Bluetooth app installed in his smart phone which helps him to hear the audio, GPS to know the location of the blind person, GSM to send SMS regarding location and two switches.
If any land slide or any water body is present in front of the blind person then the soil moisture sensor senses it and the blind person can hear the audio through the Bluetooth app that “water body detected” so he can change his direction.
If fire is detected by the fire sensor the blind person can hear the audio through the Bluetooth app that “fire detected” and he will be alert. When the obstacle is near to him he can hear the audio of the distance from the obstacle.
Suppose the blind person wants to know the distance from any obstacle he can press the first switch so he can hear the audio of the distance from any obstacle. If he feels he is in critical condition he can press the second switch so the GPS will read the location of the blind person and SMS regarding location is sent to the care taker of the blind person through the GSM.0
Advance informative blind stick using gps and gsm this project for the good price for the engineering projects. It is very comparative engineering project. It is very good project BE electronics project student is use. For the project is the arduino base project and sensor base for ultrasonic sensor base project. This project is soil moisture sensor based project,
Advance informative blind stick using gps and gsm is the arduino based project for the good project, excellent project for the BE last year engineering student is use for the student is use electronics student is use. This project for the competitive project in the BE electronics based project of the last year engineering student is use
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as electronics student is use. This project is arduino based project and sensor based project.
Advance informative blind stick using gps and gsm the best projects of the electronics base for the sensor based ,in final year student is use and idea for the and degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
• Advanced Project for the visually impaired persons.
• This kit is portable.
• Helps visually impaired persons from danger prior intimation.
• Bluetooth acts as a medium for hearing the situations.
• GPS is used to get blind person location.
• GSM is used to send msg the blind person care taker .

• Arduino board.
• Lcd display.
• Wires.
• ultrasonic sensor
• soil moisture sensor
• fire sensor
• Bluetooth app
Bridge rectifier
• Eagle
• Arduino
samarth yadav –
The projects are demonstrated and made understand in a very simple way. The kit is easy to use.
gourii patil –
vijay hardare –
Kiran Bobhate –
yesterday i received my ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit.. kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it.
Rupali Mali –
Electrosal Hi Tech pvt Ltd is one of the project centre. They provide practical based knowledge of project. Electrosal team are very good and experienced. Thanks electrosal.
Sukhjlnder Singh –
I needed a electrical project for final year so I went for this project, the project was well tested also it is in plug and play condition. And it’s impressive as it gives almost accurate results.
Rekha Yadav –
Great place.
The place where you can change your ideas in real working prototypes & machines.
It is one of your project manufacturing small scale industry in the area.
Nadeem Bhatia –
I saw this project video on youtube and desided to purchase this kit. I got this kit in time with in good condition. With the help off eplanatory video I can understand all concepts easily
Pratiksha swami –
I bought this project from ELECTROSAL. This a very nice project
Anuja Mane –
These guys come up with new technology always, keep it up!!!
Vineet Ghoshal –
Assembling of the electronic system is easy with the help of the demo videos and the cd provided, nice for electronics beginners
Sangharsh Lincoin –
packing for the extra components was not that good and I reported the issue to the Electrosal team. System worked without any issue though, hope they make sure the packing for the next orders will be better.
Suhani Tavdare –
i ordered ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit and it works like magic, I have learned so much from this kit, these guys are too good at electronics
Dhanashree Desai –
It was a good experience with u.. the teaching staff’s are too good..they were nice and friendly with us..and got a good knowledge abt arduino and pcb designing
Sarika Aapate –
Nice customer support .thank for online video call support. thank you Electrosal.
Tanvi Devkule –
Very much dedicated , highly skilled team of engineers . Can get the required project at an affordable price in the promised time.
The most important part is after sale service which is very much admirable
Rajnadhini Ghoshal –
Good project and best service
Priyanka Joke –
Well i got the AUTOMATIC POWER FACTOR CORRECTION USING ARDUINO project and i was surprised to see it delivered in such a good condition. I was afraid that sending a delicate circuit in through international shipping may damage it, but their packaging is extremely good.
Johan Adams –
My kit delivery was a day late but no problems since my submissions were late, well I surely learned a lot from this kit it has very detailed explanation documents and videos. Overall a nice experience.
Icelandic (Iceland) –
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