Nowadays, they are a lot of varieties application in our life. One of the applications is vehicle management system. Vehicle tracking system using GPS and Android based smart phone is a device that can track vehicle at anywhere. Basically, this project aims to develop vehicle tracking system using GPS and Android based smart phone that will be more useful for users and more reliable. To make life more easily, vehicle management system is invented. This project uses GPS and smart phone which is one to monitor the vehicle location and another one act as a tracker.
This system uses android mobile phone as mobile terminal because it is more convenient and flexible. Android mobile phone will link to the GSM module. Thus, user can retrieve the information for further action. GPS is used to provide a very accurate location with latitude and longitude values. The satellite will transmit the information to the GPS so that GPS can receive the information. Our vehicle management system deals with the use of android application that automatically collects vehicle location information from individual vehicles.
This tracking system generally use Global Positioning System or GPS Technology to locate each vehicle through SMS to the user number. Also the fuel level in the vehicle is also displayed on LCD. And the fuel level condition is send to android phone through GSM module. Vehicle Tracking application can be immensely useful for large and populated cities.
Automatic alcohol detection and accident detection vehicle this project for the good price for the engineering projects. It is very comparative engineering project. It is very good project BE electronics, electrical project student is use. For the project is the arduino base project and sensor base for alcohol sensor base project. This project is robotics based project,
Automatic alcohol detection and accident detection vehicle using is the arduino based project for the good project, excellent project for the BE last year engineering student is use for the student is use electronics student is use. This project for the competitive project in the BE electronics gsm based project of the last year engineering student is use. This project is automation based project
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place of the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as electronics, electrical student is use. This project for the robotics based project and sensor based project.
Automated Alcohol detection And Accident detection vehicle the best projects of the electronics , electrical and robotics base for the sensor based ,in final year student is use and idea for the and degree and diploma base students and 100% output is done.
- This system helps admin to keep track of the vehicle so that driver cannot do any type of cheating.
- This system helps to get fuel level details so that the admin can keep record fuel used .
- This application enables admin for an easy and hassle free tracking of vehicle from anywhere. .

- Alcohol Sensor
- Power Supply
- Motor driver l293d
- Dc motor
- Switches
- Languages: Arduino
- Eagle
- Proteus
Surya yadav –
I got project in time and electrosal team supported me by video call. My project submission done in time. Thanks electrosal team
manshi varale –
The project having One ready made kit and another one PCB and their required components. So, i have got a great Experience. And also Practical Knowledge about this project. The Documentations clear all my Doubts and also video call support from the electrosal team.
rani kamble –