Drying of clothes in rainy season have become a domestic concern in recent years .In this proposed system we are continuously monitoring the area where we dry out our clothes especially when it’s raining and upload the data over IOT. This can prevent the clothes which are suspended out for drying will not remain wet and also prevent stinking of the wet clothes and also eradicate the skin problem which may be the result of wearing humid clothes. This project is automated completely and has zero human interference.
Automatic cloth drying system using pic controller over iot is the project of last year’s engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for BE last year electrical soil moisture sensor based and rain sensor based project department students. This project is electronics student is use and electrical student is use
Automatic cloth drying system using pic controller over iot of a good Price for the electrical, electronics engineering project .it is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year and diploma is project for pic controller based project idea for the electrical projects is aelectronics project. This project is IOT base project. This project is sensor based project
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students ‘and electronics students final year for the golden opportunity.
Automatic cloth drying system using pic controller over iot is an easy project and idea for the electrical electronics and sensor based degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done
- Drying of clothes in rainy season have become a domestic concern in recent years.
- In this proposed system we are continuously monitoring the area where we dry out our clothes especially when it’s raining and upload the data over IOT.
- This can prevent the clothes which are suspended out for drying will not remain wet.
- Also prevent stinking of the wet clothes and also eradicate the skin problem which may be the result of wearing humid clothes.
- This project is automated completely and has zero human interference.

- ESP 8266
- L293D IC
- Transformer
- Rectifier
- Regulator
- LCD display
- Dc motor
- Dc fan
- Relay
- Eagle
- Proteus
- MP-lab
Munish –
It was very good experience with electrosal.
Arati more –
niraja Kulkarni –
This project is very good projects.