The main objective of this project is to sense the moisture condition of soil through a sensing arrangement to switch a motor pump automatically off when the soil is in wet condition. Avoiding human intervention is the biggest advantage of this project.
Proposed system uses an PIC microcontroller which is programmed to receive input signal from the soil by the soil moisture sensor. This is prepared by using two stiff metallic rods or a special PCB with 2 separate tracks inserted into the field. The connections from that are interfaced to the control unit. The proposed system uses an op-amp as comparator which is interfaced between the sensing arrangement and microcontroller. If the microcontroller receives any signal from moisture sensor, then it produces an output to drive a relay for operating the water pump. An LCD is also interfaced to the microcontroller to display the status of the soil and water pump.
The future scope of this project can be implemented by integrating with GSM technology, such that whenever the water pump switches on/off, an SMS is delivered to the concerned person regarding the status of the pump. We can also control the pump through SMS.
• The pic microcontroller used
• Automatic irrigation system that switches a pump motor on or off.
• Reduce human intervention and still ensure proper irrigation.
• 16*2 LCD display is used to show the receive and operation perform

PIC Microcontroller
• Soil moisture Sensor
• Water Pump
• Transformer
• LCD display
• Keil
• Eagle
Avinash Singh –
The project developer electrosal company this is very good project and working properly.
Ashitosh Malage –
Very good
Savitri Kittur –
Good experience, intelligent person. great help and give guidance in my project. Great job of Electrosal. Thank you.