The objective of this project is to determine the distance of underground cable fault from base station in kilometers USING a PIC microcontroller . The underground cable system is a common practice followed in many urban areas. While a fault occurs for some reason, at that time the repairing process related to that particular cable is difficult due to not knowing the exact location of the cable fault. The proposed system is to find the exact location of the fault. The project uses the standard concept of Ohms law i.e., when a low DC voltage is applied at the feeder end through a series resistor (Cable lines), then current would vary depending upon the location of fault in the cable. In case there is a short circuit (Line to Ground), the voltage across series resistors changes accordingly, which is then fed to inbuilt ADC of PIC controller to develop precise digital data for display in kilometers. The project is assembled with a set of resistors representing cable length in KM’s and fault creation is made by a set of switches at every known KM to cross check the accuracy of the same. The fault occurring at a particular distance and the respective phase is displayed on a LCD interfaced to the PIC controller. Further this project can be enhanced by using capacitor in an ac circuit to measure the impedance which can even locate the open circuited cable, unlike the short circuited fault only using resistors in DC circuit as followed in the above proposed project.
NOTE = Underground cable fault detector. Is the project of last year’s engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for BE last year electrical department students.
Underground cable fault detector is the project of a good Price for the electrical engineering project .it is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year and diploma is project for PIC microcontroller based project idea for the electrical projects.
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students’ final year for the golden opportunity.
Underground cable fault detector is an easy project and idea for the electrical degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done.
- Underground cable fault detection from base station
- PIC controller is used
- Exact fault location of cable
- Used standard concept of Ohms law
- Display the fault from kilometers aparts

- PIC microcontroller
- Transformer
- LCD display
- Switches
- Relay Driver IC
- Relay
- micro C for PIC
- PIC kit 2
- Eagle
Kavya Kannan Bangalore, India –
The project quality was very good. I had ordered the UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTOR project kit & i am happy to have ordered from here.. no issues at all
Jay shah Modasa(Gujarat) –
Very Nice Project
Prathamesh Davari –
Good explanation
And Good project Excellent documention
Austrain (Austria) –
working with typer and thourght the whole process was amazing these to are very knowlegebale and never may you feel like you sre asking for too much.
Namarta Suryawanshi –
Bought Quality projects with low cost. Really diversified , innovative and state of the art learning projects. Good experience, service and support also excellent.
Thanks Electrosal hi-tech pvt ltd.
Nisha Gurav –
This is really advanced project.
Swati Khavare –
This is really advanced project.
Aanita Deshapande –
Very much dedicated , highly skilled team of engineers . Can get the required project at an affordable price in the promised time.
The most important part is after sale service which is very much admirable
Sapana Kore –
Nice customer support .thank for online video call support. thank you Electrosal.
Sarjerav Kokane –
A great level of detail and understanding from these guys. I come from a power background personally, so I struggled a little with an electronic based project. However, Electrosal made this seamless. Through, easy communication and extremely compotent professionals. Highly recommended thanks.
Madhure desai –
Electrosal Hi Tech pvt Ltd is one of the project centre. They provide practical based knowledge of project. Electrosal team are very good and experienced. Thanks electrosal.
Ranjeet patil –
I needed a electrical project for final year so I went for this project, the project was well tested also it is in plug and play condition. And it’s impressive as it gives almost accurate results.
Rahul Kamat –
on.Highly skilled and experienced employees. Excellent and Innovative projects delivered/undertaken. Completely dedicated on doing quality products. Great to have a company in our regi
Radha Hupari –
yesterday i received my ARDUINO BASED UNDERGROUND CABLE FAULT DETECTION project kit.. kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it.
Raghav Kole –
Delivery given to me was upto the mark and in the estimated time. The product was neatly packed with the additional components. excited and already in love with the product.
Firoj Jamadar –
I have Order Do it Yourself kit of SOLAR BASED UPS project. The project having One ready made kit and another one PCB and their required components. So, i have got a great Experience. And also Practical Knowledge about this project. The Documentations clear all my Doubts and also video call support from the electrosal team.
Om Desai –
I have Order Do it Yourself kit of SOLAR BASED UPS project. The project having One ready made kit and another one PCB and their required components. So, i have got a great Experience. And also Practical Knowledge about this project. The Documentations clear all my Doubts and also video call support from the electrosal team.
Faizan Jamadar –
As a 3rd year diploma student, I was very pleased with this project. The package was delivered on time and in complete working condition.thank you Electrosal.
Jeetendra Rathod –
I needed a electrical project for final year so I went for this project, the project was well tested also it is in plug and play condition. And it’s impressive as it gives almost accurate results.
vitus (Nigeria) –
I Hired the hanayman conneection to assemble a disk for me the in home free estimate wss convenient and easy jos assembled my desk and went above and beyound i am so happy with the result and next time i have a project that reqaires a carpenter i will ask for him agin jos supper nice effeient and i felt making com fortable wiht him in my home he was very sweet to my two over friendly cast thank you joe for making my life easier
yeshwant krishana –
My friend told me of these kind of kits available at and i ordered the FINGERPRINT BASE BIKE START project. the system is just amazing use of technology. Their tutorials and online support provide sufficient practical knowledge.
Rick Grimes –
Best engineering project received by this ELECTROSAL team.They gave all the data like PPT,report,circuit diagram and program.Thanks team.
Eric Hoekstra –
Yesterday i received my DC MOTOR WITH PWM SPEED CONTROL IN ALL FOUR QUADRANTS USING MICROCONTROLLER project kit.. kit had all the components and parts as mentioned in component lists. Looking forward to start working on it.
Sumit Patharut –
packing for the extra components was not that good and I reported the issue to the Electrosal team. System worked without any issue though, hope they make sure the packing for the next orders will be better.
Nandita Heremath –
very good
Ram Saha –
The owner of the company has proved that the hard work,sincerety,honesty,patience and belief are the pillers of success and bring the dreams in reality.
Vedant Pavale –
Electrosal is a big organization with well management we learn lots of things from electrosal company
Raj Suryavashi –
I am attending internship classess in this company. Good teaching and very well. I have gained very good basic knowledge.
Ravi Rajput –
It is really a good initiative taken by Electrosal Hi-Tech. Pvt. Ltd. to provide a services in the automation field & also a noble work for providing employment to the womens in rural area.
Joshana Ray –
I Hired the hanayman conneection to assemble a disk for me the in home free estimate wss convenient and easy jos assembled my desk and went above and beyound i am so happy with the result and next time i have a project that reqaires a carpenter i will ask for him agin jos supper nice effeient and i felt making com fortable wiht him in my home he was very sweet to my two over friendly cast thank you joe for making my life easier