The Idea of Designing and Implementation of Security Based ATM theft project is born with the observation in our real life incidents happening around us. This project deals with prevention of ATM theft from robbery. So overcome the drawback found in existing technology in our society. Vibration sensor is used here which senses vibration produced when ATM machine is hammered. This system uses Arduino based system to process real time data collected using the vibration sensor. Once the vibration is sensed the beep sound will occur from the buzzer. DC Motor is used for closing the door of ATM and send with the message to the nearby police station and corresponding authorized person through the GSM.
We are placing ultrasonic sensor so it will be continuously measuring the distance of this ATM machine from the place where we are located. So someone tries to dislocate this that time ultrasonic sensor will be sensed & it will send a sms to authorized person. Also we are placed LDR below the ATM module so it will be realising dark. So whenever someone dislocates ATM module light rays are fall on that LDR sensor & it will sense that someone is trying for robbery so the sms will be sent to authorized person. So we have made an arrangement such that once the sensors are sensed the shutter will be closed automatically so that thief cannot escape from the place. When authorized person will reached at the place at that time until the hidden switch is not pressed the door remains locked. When he presses that switch the door gets unlock so we can easily catch the thief. Suppose due to some activity fire is caught in ATM system that will be sensed by fire sensor & we will be receiving sms that it has caught fire. Hear LCD display board using showing the output of the message continuously. This will prevent the robbery and the person involving in robbery can be easily caught.
Advance ATM security system Is the project of last year’s engineering project, BE final year engineering project. This project is used for BE last year electrical department students. This project is electronics student is use
Advance ATM security system of a good Price for the electrical, electronics engineering project .it is a very comparative engineering project. It is a very good BE final year and diploma is project for arduino based project idea for the electrical projects is a core electrical project. This project is GSM base project
The engineering projects give in the ELECTROSAL HI- TECH PVT.LTD. The best place for the degree and diploma final year engineering projects as well as for electrical students ‘and core electrical students final year for the golden opportunity.
Advance ATM security system is an easy project and idea for the electrical core electrical electronics degree and diploma base students & 100% output is done
- The Idea of Designing and Implementation of Security Based ATM theft project is born with the observation in our real life incidents happening around us.
- This project deals with prevention of ATM theft from robbery.
- So overcome the drawback found in existing technology in our society.
- We are placing ultrasonic sensor so it will be continuously measuring the distance of this ATM machine from the place where we are located.
- This will prevent the robbery and the person involving in robbery can be easily caught.

- Arduino UNO3
- LDR Sensor
- Thermistor Sensor
- Vibrator Sensor
- Ultrasonic Sensor
- Transformer
- Rectifier
- Regulator
- LCD display
- Motor driver ic l293d
- Dc motor
- Eagle
- Arduino
- proteus
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Their tutorials and online support provide sufficient practical knowledge.
electrosal –
I am purchasing this project. This project is very good and output very good . And electrical team is saported me .
Thank you electrosal team