360 Degree Steering Mechanism

Robotics Based Projects

Showing 1–16 of 31 results

  • 4.75 out of 5

    360 Degree Steering Mechanism

    $240.40 $204.34

    Main objective of this project is to develop a steering mechanism that vehicle will be steered at single position.

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  • 4.50 out of 5


    $126.21 $114.19

    There are many types o steering mechanisms used in automotive vehicles. In this project we have made prototype of Ackerman steering mechanism.

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  • 4.00 out of 5


    $82.46 $70.44

    The main aim of this project is to alcohol detection based speed control of vehicle measure alcohol level without any contact and determine its level using alcohol sensor.

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  • 4.75 out of 5


    $84.14 $64.91

    The project is designed to control the ROBOT by using a Android technology for remote operation using an transmitter as smart phone and receiver as Bluetooth device. The direction of the DC motor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across its terminals.

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  • 4.45 out of 5

    Android Controlled Solar Grass Cutter

    $157.46 $145.44

    Android controlled solar grass cutter is grass cutting robot controlled by android application installed on Smartphone.

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  • 4.00 out of 5


    $162.27 $146.64

    This tracking system generally use Global Positioning System or GPS Technology to locate each vehicle through SMS to the user number. Also the fuel level in the vehicle is also displayed on LCD. And the fuel level condition is send to android phone through GSM module. Vehicle Tracking application can be immensely useful for large and populated cities.

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  • 4.60 out of 5


    $177.90 $165.88

    The Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy for all the forms of Life on the planet Earth. Solar is the basic source of renewable energy. One can generally assume a reduction of about 40% – 55%, if the panels are not clean properly for 1-2 months.

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  • 4.80 out of 5

    Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot Using Arduino

    $186.31 $168.28

    A fire outbreak is a hazardous activity that leads to numerous consequences. Detecting a fire at an early stage and extinguishing it can aid in the prevention of various accidents. Till now we rely on human resources. This often leads to risking the life of that person. Therefore, fire security becomes an important aspect to save human lives. In this, a fire extinguishing robot has been proposed and designed which detects the fire location and extinguishes the fire by using sprinklers on triggering the pump. This robot uses flame sensors for accurate fire detection. This proposed model of Fire Extinguishing Robot using Arduino is used to detect the presence of fire and extinguish it automatically without any human interference. It contains gear motors and motor drivers to control the movement of the robot when it detects any presence of fire and will automatically start the water pump to extinguish that fire breakout. This model robot has a water ejector which is capable of ejecting water at the fire breakout place. The water ejector pipe can be moved in the required direction using a servo motor. The whole operation is controlled by an Arduino UNO.


    Fire-fighting is an important but dangerous occupation. A firefighter must be able to reach the situation quickly and safely extinguish the fire, preventing further damage and reducing fatalities. Technology has come to rescue this issue, fire-fighters and machines are now having more efficient and effective methods of fire fighting. This gives you the design idea of a fire-fighting robot using autonomous operation. The robotic vehicle is loaded with a fire extinguisher and a water pump which is controlled over the solenoid valve to throw water. An Arduino UNO is used for the desired operation. A water tank and fire extinguisher set up along with a water pump are mounted on the robot body and its operation is carried out from the output through the appropriate signal from the sensor. The whole operation is controlled by an Arduino UNO.


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  • 5.00 out of 5

    Driver Safety System Using Sensors Like Eye Blink, Alcohol, Temperature, Smoke, Accident Prevention, Using Arduino

    $114.19 $106.98

    This aims to create a framework to keep the car safe and secure through critical activity. When we run in ignorance we cannot take care of our own. If we make all vehicles with an automatic safety system that gives the driver a high level of protection, an alarm will also be issued. The device has an installed eye blink sensor. Once the driver has started the engine, the sensors automatically detect the blink of an eye. On this device, the output of the sensor is provided for comparison with ARDUINO. When the value reaches the set level, the buzzer automatically vibrates, the LED glows, and the car stops automatically when the eye blink sensor receives a signal from the transmission module.

    Nowadays There has been a very large increase in road accidents due to the drowsiness of drivers while driving which leads to enormous fatal accidents. The driver loses control when he falls asleep which leads to an accident. This is because when the driver is not able to control his vehicle at a very high speed on the road. Driver in-alertness is an important cause of most accidents related to vehicle crashes. Driver fatigue resulting from sleep deprivation or sleep disorders is an important factor in the increasing number of accidents on today’s roads. A drowsy driver warning system can form the basis of the system to possibly reduce the accidents related to driver drowsiness. This project can generate a model which can prevent such accidents. To prevent this, we outlined a very simple and economical system that deals with this issue. In this project, when a driver falls asleep, an alarm is raised to warn the driver attached to the rear of the vehicle. The alarm continues for a minimum of 10 seconds so that the driver wakes and gets ready to steady the vehicle he drives. Thus we can control major accidents.

    There has been a very large increase in road accidents due to drowsiness of drivers while driving which leads to enormous fatal accidents. The driver loses control when he falls asleep which leads to an accident. This is because when the driver is not able to control his vehicle at a very high speed on the road. This project can generate a model which can prevent such accidents. Temperature sensors and smoke sensors are used for further safety systems in the vehicle.

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  • 4.33 out of 5


    $72.12 $55.29

    The project is designed to build an obstacle avoiding robotic vehicle using IR sensors for robotic movement. An Arduino development is used to achieve the desired operation.

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  • 4.40 out of 5

    Fire Fighting Robot Remotely Operated by Android Applications

    $105.78 $93.76

    The main goal of this project is to develop a robotic vehicle which is used to find and fight fire remotely through Android application in an event of any major fire hazard particularly in industries.

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  • 4.67 out of 5


    $108.18 $93.76

    Fire disaster is a common threat to lives and property. An automatic fire extinguishing strategy provides real-time monitoring, exploration, and programmed fire alarm. This projects presents the design of a low-cost, robust and secure fire protection system for buildings.

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  • 4.86 out of 5


    $197.13 $185.11

    The aim of this project is to give an innovative concept tohandle the bore well rescue operations. Nowadays child oftenfalls down in the borehole which is left uncovered and getstrapped. It is difficult and also risky to rescue the trappedchildren to aid in such rescue we proposed a system ofdesigning robots to the rescue of a child in a borehole.

    The structure consists of power supply, switch pad, gear motors,  concentrator, camera and Microcontroller.The condition of trapped child is captured with CCTV camera

    and monitored on a TV

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  • 4.45 out of 5


    $74.52 $57.70

    The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that follows a specific path. This project uses an Arduino development Board. A pair of photo sensors comprising IR transmitter and photo diode is interfaced to the Arduino to detect a specified path for its movement.

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  • 4.50 out of 5


    $61.30 $42.07

    The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that follows a specific path. This project doesn’t require a microcontroller for its operation. A pair of photo sensors comprising IR transmitter and photo diode is used to detect the specified path for its movement.

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